
5141 / 5142 / 5144 molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits
5141 / 5142 / 5144 molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits 25141 / 5142 / 5144 molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits 3

5141 / 5142 / 5144 molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits


High end gas flow calibration made simple

Fluke Calibration 5141, 5142 and 5144 molbox RFM gas flow calibrator kits feature molbox RFM and molbloc-L configurations optimized to cover a very wide workload combined with molstic-L and other interconnect hardware needed for a complete calibration system. Simply supply 90 psi of pure N2 or air to the system. An included regulator delivers a stable regulated flow to the molbloc. Downstream of the molbloc, an included metering valve allows you to regulate the mass flow value required for the DUT. It’s that simple; supply 90 psi gas upstream, tare the reading, and adjust the fine metering valve to deliver the desired mass flow rate with an accuracy of ± 0.5 % of reading. Fluke Calibration gas flow calibrator kits eliminate complication, but don’t compromise molbox/molbloc best in class performance.

  •  Flow ranges cover from 1 sccm to 50 slm
  • ± 0.5 % of reading total one-year accuracy
  • Measures mass and volume flow with user settable reference pressure and temperature conditions
  • Reference standard is upstream of the device under test, eliminating cross contamination and expensive damage to the flow elements
  • Integrated gas flow regulation and adjustment hardware
  • Expandable to over 5000 slm with additional molbloc flow elements and control hardware
  • Includes traceable calibration for operation in N2 and Air, with corrections for other gases
  • Gas supply and test adapters included for 1/4 in tube, 1/4 in NPT and 1/4 in BSP
  • Includes advanced functions such as totalize, average, hi/lo, deviation, on-board purge, leak test and tare, available from the front control panel or by RS-232 and IEEE-488 remote interfaces

A new standard in high end gas flow calibration

Fluke Calibration revolutionized high end gas flow calibration with the introduction of molbox/ molbloc mass flow standards. molbox/molbloc systems have replaced large, inflexible, error prone volumetric piston provers and bell provers with a compact, easy to use, versatile digital standard. molbox/molbloc systems are the standard of choice for high end calibration labs and mass flow device manufacturers around the world. Improvements offered by molbox/molbloc include:

  • True mass flow calibration and traceability— no corrections from volumetric to mass
  • Real-time digital mass flow indication, loaded with features—easily automated
  • No moving parts—uninterrupted gas flow measurement, no fluctuations from piston stroke
  • Flexibility to be positioned upstream or downstream— can calibrate at many line pressures
  • Modular components allows future upgrade and expansion
  • Very wide range with small footprint—no flow straightening hardware required

Whether your requirement is manual calibration of a simple variable area flow meter (rotameter) or fully automated calibration of a mass flow controller (MFC), molbox/molbloc systems offer the ideal solution. A molbox RFM with one or more molbloc flow elements can cover a wide range of flow calibration devices with total one-year measurement uncertainty of ± 0.5 % of reading. If your needs change, molbloc flow elements can be added, with models covering flows from 1 sccm to over 5000 slm (175 scfm). If better measurement uncertainty is needed, the same flow elements can be used with molbox1+ to achieve accuracy as good as ± 0.125 % of reading.